The NEW Voltron! 30th anniversary!

Didnt know there was an ACTUAL store for this!

Check out what you can get there!


a patch

a ring

There is a new ULTIMATE voltron with a somewhat rounded look to him….im still a fan of the classic. Below are some toys of the new and of some really nice CLASSIC voltron figures.

14″ figure coming out in february, 49$

and below is the classic at 200$!….of course that is for EACH lion and figure.


“In Toypocalypse, players play as sentient toys in an ominous world where humans have mysteriously vanished. No one knows where the humans have gone, but everything has been left in place, and the toys have been left to pick up the pieces.

Powerful toys have created oppressive and tyrannical governments to rule the scraps. The players can no longer suffer the oppression of these hastily formed governments. Danger lies around every corner, and exploration of this new world drives each toy to find his place in a world where he is alone.

Become a toy in a world very much like Toy Story meets Lord of the Flies.

Winner of the RPG Geek 24-Hour RPG 2011 contest.”

Star Frontiers!

Don’t know if you remember playing this awesome rpg, albeit i believe D&D was the goto game of choice at the time. Star Frontiers is now completely FREE!

get all the rules, maps and counters here:

Still my favorite scifi game. Basic, easy and fun!

Be human, dralasite (blob like being), yarzirian (flying monkey like race with sensitive eyes) or vrusk (eight legged insectoids with lightning fast reaction times).

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow!

Based on the Amber Diceless rpg…..this game continues along the lines of the amber universe of creator, changer and destroyer roles. Every player is as strong as his imagination, but the auction based system keeps each other in check. A player maybe the “god” of war of all the players….but can easily be countered by a powerful healer in the world(s). Every “world” is a shadow of a players imagination, and you can find yourself a SUPERMAN in one world, and a mere mortal in a world of high technology.

The 2 pictures above represent a sample of the icon decks available. What is an icon deck? in Amber, you can communicate or call upon another person with their card.

Want to listen to a fascinating story? look up on youtube, the chronicles of amber

Here is the description:
Corwin is a prince of Amber, the “immortal city from which every other city has taken its shape.” All other worlds, including Earth, are shadows of that reality. Corwin has spent centuries on Earth as an amnesiac. But when someone in the family tries to kill him there, Corwin begins a search for his past. He quickly learns that his family has some very unusual powers. They can travel between Amber, its shadows, and Chaos by manipulating reality; use magical playing cards to communicate and travel instantaneously; and are able to walk the Pattern that created Amber. Corwin regains his memory, solves the mystery of his father Oberon’s disappearance, and fulfills his destiny–only to disappear into Chaos.
Merlin searches for Corwin and his destiny as a son of both Amber and the Courts of Chaos. His story parallels Corwin’s, answering many questions about Amber, Chaos, and the next generation in the family.

Listen to the book below…..its better than you think!